Monday, 5 March 2018


MSS is the oldest and largest associate of Caring Friends. Established in 1949 by the great humanist Baba Amte, the organisation started with the objective of providing leprosy patients humanitarian relief, medical treatment,training and rehabilitation. Today it also caters to the needs of the physically handicapped, visually challenged, deaf & mute, destitute children, senior citizens & primitive tribals of the Madia Gond community. Their motto is "Give them a chance not charity". With this perspective, they engage all the inmates in productive activities (mainly agriculture / horticulture/small scale industry activities) which enables them to earn their livelihood and maintain self dignity and respect. There are about 28 big and small projects and the total number of inmates is about 4500 / 5000. Funds are required to meet recurring expenses, reconstruction of old houses, and construction of new buildings for various projects, for various water harvesting and other projects in order to augment the production in agricultural, which is the main source of livelihood for most of the inmates and also upgrading other projects. Numerous prestigious national and international honors and awards have been conferred on Baba Amte and other members of the family. 

MSS is the oldest and largest associate of Caring Friends. Established in 1949 by the great humanist Baba Amte, the organisation started with the objective of providing leprosy patients humanitarian relief, medical treatment,training and rehabilitation. Today it also caters to the needs of the physically handicapped, visually challenged, deaf & mute, destitute children, senior citizens & primitive tribals of the Madia Gond community. Their motto is "Give them a chance not charity". With this perspective, they engage all the inmates in productive activities (mainly agriculture / horticulture/small scale industry activities) which enables them to earn their livelihood and maintain self dignity and respect. There are about 28 big and small projects and the total number of inmates is about 4500 / 5000. Funds are required to meet recurring expenses, reconstruction of old houses, and construction of new buildings for various projects, for various water harvesting and other projects in order to augment the production in agricultural, which is the main source of livelihood for most of the inmates and also upgrading other projects. Numerous prestigious national and international honors and awards have been conferred on Baba Amte and other members of the family. 

At & Post : ANANDWAN - 442 914
Via Warora , Dist: Chandrapur, Maharashtra State
Tel No. 91-7176-282034 / 282425
Website: /
Tel.No. 07176-282034 / 282 425
Contact Person :
Dr,Vikas Amte, Secretary & Chief
Functionary – Mob.98224 66734
Mr.Kaustubh Amte, Asst. Secretary
Mobile – 99225 50006 
At & Post : ANANDWAN - 442 914
Via Warora , Dist: Chandrapur, Maharashtra State
Tel No. 91-7176-282034 / 282425
Website: /
Tel.No. 07176-282034 / 282 425
Contact Person :
Dr,Vikas Amte, Secretary & Chief
Functionary – Mob.98224 66734
Mr.Kaustubh Amte, Asst. Secretary
Mobile – 99225 50006 

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